Today on August the 2nd, 2021, we are proud to announce that moving forward, we will have Sport Session Planner as one of our BFCN partners. SSP are a fantastic organisation that bring a lot of worth to coaches the world over. So what is it that they do?
Sport Session Planner are a leading sports software company, based in the UK, with sales offices located throughout the world. Formed in 2011 by sports coaches and world class IT specialists, with over 20 years experience, they have grown to be recognised as one of the worlds leading sports software providers, with thousands of users around the globe. Their award winning software is used by some of the world’s greatest named clubs, professional coaches, and individual coaches of all ages and abilities.
At BFCN, we now have our own club with SSP, meaning that BFCN members who subscribe to SSP can interact with each other by sharing session plans and ideas. Not only will the exercises and animations that those within the network make be available, but there are thousands of public session plans, exercises, and animations for you to view as well. Another great feature is the ease at which sessions can be shared and exported. If you like another session, you can use it as it is, or you can take it and tweak it. The best coaches are the best thieves!
Here's what a session plan looks like:

Would you like an opportunity to play around with the session planner tool? Click here to see how it works!
How do I get it?
If you're already a BFCN member, you can join our club on Sports Session planner for £42 for the year. That gives you twelve months of access to our club curriculum and session plans, as well as the rest shared within the BFCN network, in addition to the thousands of public session plans on the SSP site. If you're already an SSP member and a BFCN member, let us know, and we can get you into the BFCN Club. If you're not a member of either, but would like to be, then we are offering a joint annual membership for SSP and BFCN for £65. A typical annual subscription to BFCN is £39.99, and our SSP membership is £42, saving you £16.99 compared to buying both separately.
What's included in an SSP subscription?
Webinars Football & Futsal
Coach Education, Coach Development, Club Development & Player Development
Plan, Prepare, Conduct & Review Training sessions and Matches for the organisation
Use on any Desktop, Android, IOS or Tablet (Touch Screen)
360o Camera
Session Planner
4 Libraries - Personal / Club / Curriculum / Public Library (1 million+ Sessions)
Drag & Drop system to Create a Session
3D Female / Male / Child Avatars
Create Animations
Attach Videos to the session
TeamSharing (Ability to share a session with animations & videos on with players via QR code or a link)
Telestration tools (Coach Paint over a session plan or over the video)
Review your session (Record Evaluation)
Technical / Coach Educator Feedback system
Match Day System
I want to know more!
If you'd like to know more about how SSP works, well then you're in luck, as this coming Thursday the 5th of August, at 20:00 London time, we'll be having a webinar with SSP so they can show you how it all works. You'll get to see the session planning software, the benefits of being part of the club, you'll be shown how to use it, and you can ask questions about the software.
If you want to go ahead and dive on in, watch the YouTube video below to learn more about SSP, and check out the other informative videos on their YouTube channel.
If you have any more questions, get in contact with us at admin@britishfootballcoaches.com