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Do you have a role that you would like to be seen by hundreds of qualified and experienced coaches?

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Submit Job

Thanks for submitting!

BFCN has hundreds of active members, that are looking for a variety of opportunities within the industry. As long as your role is coaching related, we will place it on the jobs board to be seen by our members. If you like, we can even highlight your role across our social media platforms, which have thousands of followers.

What do we need to know about the role?

Location - Where is it? UK, Ireland, abroad? What city?

Club/Organisation - Some will be globally recognised brands. What more can you tell us about yourselves and what you do?

Salary - Is this a paid role? How much? Football coaches are used to having to work harder for less, but don't take the mickey. Reward us for our experience, qualifications, and contributions. Coaches aren't motivated by money, but we do need to know how much a job will pay as it is important to survive.

Accommodation - If you're offering a role abroad, will this come with a place to stay, or will coaches need to find their own place? Will you assist that? How much can you tell us about the living arrangements?

Hours - Especially in the UK and Ireland, coaches often have to piece together several sources of income in order to make a living.

Contract Length - How much future commitment are you offering? How much do you need?

Visas - If the role is abroad, what are the visa requirements? How do you facilitate that?

Other Benefits - What else do coaches get? Coaches are ambitious and curious. Will there be CPD opportunities? Will there be opportunities for growth and promotion?

© 2017-2023 Britishfootballcoaches also known as British Football Coaches Network and BFCN is part of Azteca Football LTD. All content and selected images are property of Azteca Football LTD.


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