Our WHY in East Africa
From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “It shouldn’t matter where you were born, what language you speak, what religion you are, what political opinions you have, or whether you are rich or poor.”
Talent and desire are equally distributed across the globe.
Opportunity however, is not.
Ascent Soccer starts at the grassroots, inspiring and nurturing talented girls and boys in East Africa to be brave, to lead by example and to believe in their ability to transform themselves, their communities and the world.
We are soccer and scholarship that puts people and the planet first.

Working towards a full-time green & STEAM education, in an international school environment, for all of our soccer academy scholars.This will be an academic program in sustainability, stewardship and compassionate problem solving that nurtures grounded leaders for the common good.
Outdoor Green & Environmental Education Curriculum
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) Education
Ascent Character Development Program
Beyond soccer opportunities, eventual new ‘green leaders’ scholarships in our school for regional high-needs youth of promise
Before we shift to our new full-time campus, private school scholarships for all players, with academic support to prepare our players for educational pathways within Africa, as well as global secondary school and university opportunities. Our student-athletes come to Ascent Soccer with a wide-range of academic tools and experiences, and it’s our job to support their academic journey, personalize their pathway and deliver a green and sustainable education.

People Pledge
Quality programming, opportunity and an over-investment in the deserving youth of Africa’s most impoverished regions, including a commitment towards full gender equity in soccer and scholarship.
50% Female Student Body by 2025
Curated Female Focused Character Program
Staff & Community Equity Education Programs
A commitment to female soccer in Africa represents not only a moral imperative, but also a major impact opportunity, and with such an historic under-investment in women’s soccer in East Africa, there are still too few pathways for talented girls through sport. While 25% of today’s academy roster is female, the aim of the new Ascent Soccer is 50/50 gender parity within three years.
Ascent Soccer launched its girls program in 2016 to empower ambitious and talented girls in Malawi and Uganda, to fulfill their potential and be inspirational role models to millions of girls across South East Africa.
Female players at Ascent receive private school scholarships, a curated character development program and a soccer training program with both the girls and boys at age/physique appropriate levels to enhance their footballing development. And like all of our full-time Ascent Soccer scholars, there is medical, nutritional and pastoral care -- making certain we are delivering holistic development for our female players.

Mission and Vision
Ascent Soccer empowers talent and promise in East Africa, as the greenest soccer club and academy on the continent.
We are a social impact organization that transforms the lives of young men and women in some of East Africa’s poorest countries by providing opportunities for comprehensive education, critical life skills and character development -- combined with world-class soccer skill development.
Based in Malawi & Uganda, with registered charity operations in the USA and Canada, Ascent was founded in 2014 and works with over 85 boys and girls carefully selected from across East Africa. Ascent graduates have gone on to win life-changing scholarships at elite global boarding schools, with other Ascent scholars representing the academy in youth national teams and at major European club tournaments. Ascent’s vision is to guide youth to realize and reach their potential, growing into exceptional young men and women who not only re-invest in their own communities, but provide opportunities for the success of future graduates.
Many grassroots projects spread their resources across thousands of participants over short periods, with the goal to reach as many deserving young people as possible. Combined with that mission, we also aim to drive systemic, lasting change by invest deeply in talent, desire and promise, catalysing a small but mighty group of young leaders to leverage the opportunities and platform provided by Ascent Soccer, across East Africa.

Soccer Pledge
Youth football development remains an afterthought in East Africa. Ascent Soccer is the only regional and residential full-time girls & boys youth soccer academy that identifies and invests in talent, promise and pathways.
Full-Time Elite & Equitable Opportunities
International Coaching & Curriculum
Global Scholarships & Professional Pathways
Regional Talent Identification, Grassroots Events & Giving Back
East Africa offers immense untapped potential. We provide the most innovative youth coaching program in Malawi & Uganda, featuring top coaches from Africa and Europe, a scouting network across East Africa, a base of fields and classrooms for training and competition, and a regional network of feeder teams and community tournaments.

Planet Pledge
We are the earth, and our number one priority is to be a good ancestor and “give more to the world, than we take from it.” We are committed to a net-positive environmental footprint, climate action and conservation.
Full Green, Outdoor & Climate Action Education Curriculum
Student & Community Agricultural Demonstration Site
Community Entrepreneurship Training Programs
Regional Environmental Education Programs
Continental & Global Sustainability Workshops, Events & Eco-Tourism
Malawi was named by the Global Climate Index as the 5th most climate-vulnerable country in the world. Where we are most vulnerable is also where we have a responsibility to make the biggest impact.